
Archive for December, 2012

The week off Part II: Actorfest

December 18th, 2012

This past Saturday was Actorfest.

I left my place by 7:45am and was there to stand in a line, the ‘pre-paid’ line. They let a few of us in at 9 am and most people went straight to the audition line. The audition line-up was for mostly live stage shows or Disney cast members and stuff like that, so I skipped it and went straight to the tables on the floor below. It was nice to wander around that early. Although everyone was still setting up their tables. I skipped the tables I wasn’t interested in.. the training schools and the Scientology 4 table corner setup.

Most workshop session groups and such had an email/phone list for a free class raffle. I signed up for several of them, so I hope I don’t get inundated with spam texts or calls.

The table for Second City gave me a chance to chat with them and I told them my experiences with improv with Groundlings, ComedySportz and Monkey Butler. They knew the Monkey Butler name and I mentioned how I’m an instructor and one of the girls said I was awesome. I think she mentioned it right after I said that in February I’ll be visiting Melbourne Australia and teaching a workshop there. Then I realized how awesome that DOES sound. The main reason I’ll be there is to see my girlfriend of course, and the teaching there is just a bonus, but still..

Anyway, they told me that there is a drop in class I can take on Thursdays so I may do that since it is usually my day off.

Then I met the guy who made the accent cd I bought at Samuel French. I complimented his talent and then thought to myself that I could be practicing this again instead of listening to Pandora.

The first session with Robert Martin Jr was great! He was funny, and had so much energy. He was super honest with his opinions, so no wonder my agent likes him.

The next session was entitled “How to Get Cast in Comedy: Being Funny IS a Skill: Dorian Frankel & Todd Rohrbacher”. The session was mostly about how important it is to know the tone of the comedy you go in for. I think the biggest lesson I gleaned was to do research by seeing a taping of a show. It is so obvious, but I haven’t done it for a comedy show.. Which is what made it good advice. = )  Now to narrow down which shows to watch.

The final session was “Getting Ahead in Voice-Over: David Wright” who works for Disney. His main message was that Disney doesn’t accept unsolicited artists, have a good professional demo, and they work with union only for legal reasons.

Then for the Meet and Greet I met up with Robert Jr. and we chatted for a few minutes. He suggested I move that I’m an instructor with Monkey Butler to the top and then said everything else looks in shape. He likes my agent and me.


Now it’s just a numbers game. All I can do is continue to sharpen my skills and one day I’ll be booking stuff left and right.

So for the next few days I’m going to make a simple action list. I’ve spent too much time making to do lists and getting few things accomplished so I’m “doing” now.

This morning/afternoon I worked on a storyboard for taping the next The Retro Kids Show episode. Now to tidy my room. How quickly things get messy when you don’t set aside moments to clean. ; )

acting update

The week off

December 18th, 2012

I have until Thursday off from work, and I intend to get a lot of my stalled projects up and running again.

So this past week a review:

The Monday Oreo audition went well. The person I was paired up with shared a bit of his life story with me and our scene was fun.

That night was the last night of my acting class. I’ve been given a lot to think about and the most important lesson is to keep downloading scripts and practice breaking them down and writing up actions. An actor’s job is to create a series of choices and identify what part of oneself can align with such choices. I’m always going to be on a path to master the craft.. and I have a chance to practice everyday!

Tuesday : The Monday Oreo audition required us to NOT be clean shaven, and we were to be notified of callbacks sometime on Tuesday. However, I had another audition for something else at 2:30 so I waited to shave until the last moment for the audition in Santa Monica. I thought I’d arrive super early to that one (~1:30pm) and then- they went on lunch break for a half hour. Luckily I brought my kindle to read The Hobbit.

Dan from my improv team showed up for the same part and we chatted a bit. Then they let a few of us in. The session runner didn’t know exactly how to set us up so he took a while with us. I left much later than I thought. Good thing it was in a city where  I didn’t have to pay the meters! Too bad only the beach cities have such a deal for electric cars.

I arrived to work shortly after the audition (almost 3pm by this time) and then got a last minute call for the Oreo callback! The family I work for was flexible enough so I could go and I hit the “rush hour” traffic and it took me 2 hours to get to the location. Once there I practiced with a fellow from Texas, but then last minute they switched him to another spot. Then I was partnered with someone who was doing the spot for the first time.

There I was, in the audition and then my partner was given some direction.. so I did the same thing I did before. Which, in retrospect, wasn’t the right choice. If given the opportunity to do it again we are to make completely different choices so we can offer a variety. Whoops! Oh well. The spot was quite funny and I’ll look it up when they finally put it online.

Wednesday: On 12-12-12 I went geocaching to 12 different caches. It took all day, but it was such a nice break and a great way to relax from the constant go-go-go of the week up until that point. The reprieve was short lived though. I went swing dancing that night to see Johnny Boyd who I hadn’t seen since 99 or 2001 or something. It was such a time warp.

Thursday: I was in bed most of the day recovering from a sniffly nose and avoiding the freezing weather (well, to LA: 50 degrees). I continued to read the Hobbit or sleeping. Then I taught improv at 8pm. It was a great class. We had 11 people I think and I’m sure when we come back after winter break there will be quite the crowd. I love improv. There are so many fun aspects to it!

Friday: More sleeping and reading until an improv show that night in Hollywood. Good times, but I’ll be glad when the holidays pass and we can all meet consistently again. There are always aspects of improv to work on. = )

Continued ~> The week off Part II: Actorfest

acting update, all

Registered for Actorfest 2012

December 8th, 2012

Every year Backstage throws something called actorfest.. basically like a big acting convention. Well, I tried going a few years ago, and the wait in line took too long so I had to leave. THIS time though, I’m registered!

There was a great deal on AmazonLocal so I was able to get the ‘Silver’ package for less than normal. It comes with three workshops. I chose:

The Concept of Acting: Robert B. Martin Jr.

How to Get Cast in Comedy: Being Funny IS a Skill: Dorian Frankel & Todd Rohrbacher.

Getting Ahead in Voice-Over: David Wright. C-513

So here’s to learning something awesome at the workshops! I’d love to meet some new actor friends too. = ) December 15th will be great!

In other news I’ve been enjoying the practice I get in my acting class. Next week is our last class and I hope I can begin to master the new skills. Also, I’ve been reading Howard Fine’s book since Jacqui will be taking the foundation class in Melbourne. The book is so interesting! Expect a full review once I’m done. 😉

Oh, and I have an audition for Oreos on Monday. I like Oreos. = )
