
Archive for November, 2012

Week in review

November 24th, 2012

This week contained Thanksgiving, so holidays have that habit of throwing off productivity, however I still was able to do some things.


Monday I had my first acting class. I was given a script from a show called Blue Bloods. I downloaded all the sides for the the other characters and was nearly able to read the entire episode. It is amazing how much more in depth you can get when you have all the facts of the scene.

I used the Audition 2 app which I haven’t used since I bought it. It has this REALLY handy feature of repeating whatever cue lines you want to give yourself, as well as highlighting or blacking out your lines at the press of a button. It was $20 and I HIGHLY recommend it. Now I just have to work on my timing for my cue lines because I had to rush in some places.

Class was great! We performed our scene and then watched it, talked about what made the audition believable or not believable and then retaped it. I was fortunate enough to use my lines as the reader for the other girls, so I was able to get LOTS of practice. We are doing our scenes again, along with something new for our next class on Monday and I’m eager to perform again.


I was talking with my girlfriend, Jacqui, last night and she mentioned that I could also work on monologues and tape and critique myself to improve. I was reluctant to do this, which means now I HAVE to do it. So in the upcoming week I’m going to look for a monologue. As Coach Mike says from HISYC: stuff you hate, gravitate.


Also last night I watched an episode of See Dad Run, and the pilots of The New Normal and Guys with Kids.

See Dad Run stars Scott Baio and is a Nickelodeon family comedy. I figured that if that is these are the types of show I want to work on, then I’d better catch up on the type of pacing and humor on such shows.

The New Normal had my friend Jessica Lu in it. It is always cool to see someone I know on screen. But oh, in the show they use this cinematography technique where the camera moves around a lot and does a zoom in and out. It was soooo jarring for me. I started to get dizzy! It probably doesn’t help that I was watching it on a 62 inch screen.

Guys with Kids was pretty much what I thought it would be. I sometimes feel like those guys when I’m babysitting the 2.5 year and 15 month old. The littlest one goes EVERYWHERE. Sometimes I wish I had one of those kid leashes.


Anyway, I’m eager to start taping something again! Life has this habit of moving right along. At least I have been staying somewhat committed to my Vlogs.. although I’ll have to find a new topic when my Hostess supply runs out.


Update for November 15, 2012

November 15th, 2012

Hello everyone! I just wanted to update everyone on my acting progress this week. = )

Sunday I had another Pop Culture night where we (Myself, John, Darryl and Melissa) watched Downtown Abbey (just so you know it is pronounced “down-ton abbey”). Such nights are a chance for us to watch pilots of popular shows so we know what people are talking about. Next time I’m renting Boardwalk Empire

Monday I had an audition for a Las commercial. Hooray for the freedom to improvise and have fun. = ) Monday night I took a workshop called MAKING YOUR READ DYNAMIC! with John Sudol. He mentioned some really interesting acting concepts that I hadn’t considered before! Cool stuff. I signed up for 4 more weeks of his class. I haven’t taken an acting class since The Acting Corps last summer.

Wednesday morning I had an audition for Disney. On the sign in sheet they asked what my favorite Disney movie was, and I drew a blank. I put the latest flick I’ve seen, Wreck It Ralph, but I recently saw a clip from the behind the scenes on Mary Poppins and I remember liking that one a lot. I STILL don’t know which movie is my favorite though- there are SO MANY!

Today is my day off so I’m reading, analyzing my goals and then I’m going running! I haven’t gone running in too long and there’s no better time to start then now.

Have a great day everyone!

acting update, all