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Pop Culture Night

January 27th, 2013

Last Sunday was Pop Culture Night.

It was a night where I invited a bunch of friends (8 of us in total, I’m taking the picture) and we watched the pilots of popular shows of which we weren’t familiar.

What a great time! We saw a total of four shows & if I were to quickly review those shows I’d say:

Mindy Project  – the character/plot of this show was ‘a quirky, “terrible-with-love” professional woman and how she takes on the world’– I don’t think I was in the demographic for this one, so I wasn’t all that into it. 2/5

1600 Penn – I’m so used to seeing the white house as serious, so having this be a over-the-top comedy threw me off a little. The characters are very, very heightened. 1/5

Nashville – definite high stakes for everyone & everyone’s acting was great. I could see how people would get into this show. 4/5

Once – This show I could see getting hooked on myself. Afterwards a few of us watched the second episode to see where the show was going. 4/5


There are several things to think about on these nights. Of course it is useful to have a working knowledge of the shows for when I do improv or when conversing with others. I also want to know the tone of the show, and which casting directors worked on which projects. Plus consider which types of characters I could play and how other actors are marketing themselves (or reinventing themselves). I’d like to have a theatrical agent this year, and when I go on auditions I’d like to know the ins and outs of this industry. There is a lot of research to do, and I prefer spending time with my friends rather than sitting on the couch by myself.

I’m having another Pop Culture Night in February. After I get back from Australia I’ll buy a month of the Netflix DVD service to rent a few shows that weren’t available online. I’ve also made a deal with myself that if I sell my unwanted things things I put on a list, I could use that money to purchase an Apple TV. I’d like to mirror my computer screen for those shows that stream outside of Hulu and Netflix. Plus, It’d be great to show Vimeo and YouTube clips too. Craigslist and ebay, here I come!

Of course, my favorite part of the night was the great company. I’m fortunate to have really interesting friends who are all insightful on the various aspects of a show’s plot, actors or quality of the acting. Every so often people would comment about the projects an actor was in and other shows to check out for next time. (Dalex and Morgan are looking up IMDB on their phones in the picture..)

Oh, and I had all sorts of yummy snacks for everyone! Air popped popcorn, cake and Sunny D smoothies.


Good times.

Pop Culture Night

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